Event photos/Seminars

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Event Photos ~ Seminars ~ Classes

Below you will see some of the great sites that I and my fellow historians and re-enactors have had the good fortune to visit.  Most of these sites have two to three day events where the public is invited or pay an admission to attend. 

Greene County Historical Society

This photo is of the 1st Virginia Rgt.  Notice the Log House in the background.  We repaired and restored this cabin so we might have a place to live while attending the living history weekends.

The view from inside.

At one point in time you could see the light coming through the cracks in the chinking of this cabin.  The air passed through or came up through the floors.  We patched cracks, built stone walls and crawl spaces to make the cabins air tight.

The Crossing

Costume Re-enactors and the public alike cross the river.  (Notice the catch rope) The river patrol and fire department place "grabbers" along the line just in case someone slips.

Braddock's Crossing

This is a shot of Braddock's Crossing.  An event to remember, "The Battle of the Monongahela."  It takes place once a year in Connellsville, PA.  During the day there are different interactive events and seminars.  The crossing of the "Youghogeny" is a great event where everyone gets involved.

Museum of Western Expansion

This is the historic kitchen at the Museum of Western Expansion.  Once a year we host a tavern called, The Bloody Dirk.  The tavern has sort of taken on a life of its own and travels from site to site.  In this photo, butter is being churned and the tavern has just opened.  Through out the day drinks and food are served in the manner of the colonial period.  Everyone is invited... for a small donation.

The troops are drilled on a daily basis.  Each one is given a musket and marched till they get it right... or left?

This is the view from the other side of the room.  The early kitchen is thought to be the the frist part of this house built and housed two families at one time.  If your ever in Peters Township, PA look up the Museum of Western Expansion.  The tavern is usually up and running thru September.

This is Pricketts Fort.  Every year they hold a School of the Longhunter.  I have been fortunate to have been a part of the first one and have taught at two or three other "schools" over the year.  In this photo the fort is having a militia muster.  A doctor is giving examinations and skills are being preformed as tests for service.